Well this issue was solved, from a fitting standpoint, anyway. Field testing has yet to happen though I PLAN on doing some before our C4 move-in...
So what is a Hyper Active WH Junky to do when he has no WH to call WHome? Thats an easy question to answer as far as I'm concerned. Being the master probe'r that I think myself to be, why not use those skills? I dust off the H.M.S Hunter, my low-sec radar/mag running Vexor and head off to Old Man Star and systems in a 7-8 jump boundary. Well, things go well for the first 2 days, 9 Radar sites, even more Mag (anyone else forget how crappy these are when held against the WH space cousins?) sites and 3 Crokite deposits. whenever I found a rock deposit I would BM it and come back right after DT, clear it out then resume site running. Now I don't want to get into how wonderful a local window is (it just might spoil me...) but being the paranoid WH pilot that I am now-a-days, I treat any pilots in system w/ some suspicion and a full drone bay on standby.
After one rather good haul of Crokite a few locals decide to harass the Hulk, now there TI frigs really never had any chance of breaking the tank, and seeing they are new players, I grab H.M.S. Stinger II and head into system, PEW-PEW & don't come back again! Well his buddies got away, but hey, I'm a bit out of practice w/ the Rifter, but oh how fun it was! Well that was fun...
So back to Dodixie it is, fit a Rex and head to Old Man Star, 3rd belt I jump to and I'm locked and pointed, moving the camera I see a hostile Rifter setting into orbit, knowing that his buddies are in warp as we speak ( I mean, who engages a Rex w/ a Rifter? Unless you happen to have encountered the rare Arty-Rift range whore fits that still exist in small nimbers), I try not to laugh when I see him level out at 6km, MY OPTI RANGE!!!
- Web
- Scram
- Drones
- Heavy Electron Volley
- Set Warp...
Well just as the Rex aligns, here comes the secondary point in the from of an Inty. Then the gang Vexor, Vexor, Brutix, Caracal. Oh shit, well what to do? The Brutix sets in at 7km so why not? I get a volley or two off before I call no joy, eject and align the pod to the nearest gate. Just as I go into warp I see a Drake pop into the belt and engage the Brutix. I see the Kill Board later, whoever you are WarslayerCr, thank you for getting him, I only hope you survived the rest of the gang, O7 FLY SAFE!
So even outside of a WH, I've found that I can still keep myself occupied, & not only that, but have a blast doing it. The big thing here is that I've avoided missions all together! That's all for tonight folks, as always,
o/ Fly Safe!